Vantage Point

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Another view of China’s deep involvement in global supply chains

Rhetoric on derisking trade from China is growing due to geopolitical tensions, but strong trade complementarity remains, highlighting China's crucial role in global supply chains.

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"China Week" Does Not Address Key Trade Issues

The US House of Representatives has released a list of proposed China-focused legislation expected to come to a vote over the course of what Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) dubbed “China Week”.

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Increase in e-commerce goods from China prompts scrutiny in the US and Europe

Changes to de minimis rules and other restrictions on Chinese e-commerce companies, if successful, could help reduce strains in the air freight market, where e-commerce goods are taking ever more capacity across Asia outbound.

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The Old is New Again: China’s Third Plenum Likely to Be Redux of Supply-Side Reform

Supply-side reform will likely continue to be the focal point for the Third Plenum, despite public calls from key figures for stimulating domestic demand.

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India's Elections and Investment Dynamics

India aims to become the leading manufacturer in Asia as companies diversify their supply chains away from China. Strengthening supply chain efficiency and fostering the growth of the manufacturing sector are seen as crucial for achieving this goal, with both alliances prioritizing these areas.

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With EU Elections, Russia and China Relations Come Into Focus

Despite a rightward shift, overall EU relations with Russia and China will remain tense. EU concerns on China are wide-ranging and fundamental.

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US Probes China Shipbuilding, Signaling Focus on Heavy Industry

The probe is the latest indication of rapidly growing concerns in Washington that America lacks the industrial capacity necessary to support its national security needs.

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China’s Property Sector Correction Weighs on Growth

With as much as 70% of household wealth tied to property values, the future of the sector bears on consumer confidence and China’s ability to accelerate growth. Further structural economic reforms are needed to ensure healthier and more sustainable growth.

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China Navigates Economic Challenges to Spur Growth

With old growth drivers faltering and household consumption failing to emerge, China seeks to expand production capacity in strategic emerging industries (SEIs) as a new pathway to growth.

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Supply Chain Implications of Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Elections

The election outcome will influence the range of Beijing’s responses and the potential for further tensions, as well as the direction of the Taiwanese economy, including its semiconductor industry.

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Will the US revoke Permanent Normal Trade Relations with China? Implications for Global Companies

For multinational firms, revocation of PNTR would mean immediate tariff increases ranging from 19-61% thereby drastically increasing the cost of goods and inputs imported by the US from China.

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US readying additional trade and investment restrictions on China

US policymakers are poised to implement at least nine restrictions on China in 2023 across six industries, ranging from telecoms to agriculture and oil and gas.

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