Vantage Point

Explore our latest perspectives on the global economy, geopolitics, and industry dynamics. 


The Old is New Again: China’s Third Plenum Likely to Be Redux of Supply-Side Reform

Supply-side reform will likely continue to be the focal point for the Third Plenum, despite public calls from key figures for stimulating domestic demand.

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United States: IRA Faces Headwinds on Energy Transition

The IRA, in tandem with tightening restrictions on clean energy technologies sourced from China, has the potential shift the green technology value chain.

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Success of the CHIPS Act Faces Complex Geopolitical Conditions

COVID and geopolitical rivalry have highlighted the reliance of the US on semiconductor manufacturing on Taiwan, in particular. The Biden admin aims to improve supply chain resiliency and security as well as drive economic growth with the CHIPS Act.

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Continued Tough Stance on China, Regardless of Election Outcome

Companies in critical technology areas will see increased scrutiny on business dealings with China, especially around outbound investment and partnerships with Chinese companies regardless of where they are operating.

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Indonesia 2024 Elections: Impact on Industrial and Climate Policies

The goal to elevate the production of higher value-added goods within Indonesia, while curbing the export of raw materials, will intricately influence company sourcing and production strategies, with effects differing across industries.

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China Navigates Economic Challenges to Spur Growth

With old growth drivers faltering and household consumption failing to emerge, China seeks to expand production capacity in strategic emerging industries (SEIs) as a new pathway to growth.

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