Vantage Point

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Another view of China’s deep involvement in global supply chains

Rhetoric on derisking trade from China is growing due to geopolitical tensions, but strong trade complementarity remains, highlighting China's crucial role in global supply chains.

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Thailand's Political Dynamics and Their Impact on the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) Development

Thailand’s political parties agree that significant development is required to capture the historic investment flowing into Southeast Asia but power struggles over the specific industries and geographies left the path forward unclear.

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Southeast Asian Leaders Unveil Ambitious Policies at 2024 Nikkei Forum

At the Nikkei Forum, Southeast Asian leaders shared insights on upcoming policy initiatives. Vietnam is prioritizing infrastructure and energy improvements. Malaysia aims to advance in the semiconductor value chain.

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Southeast Asia Attracts Investment but Faces Capacity Crunch

One of the ways that SEA-5 nations seek to address existing labor shortages challenges is by increasing productivity. The successful execution of this strategy will be crucial for sustaining their competitiveness in the global market.

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Indonesia 2024 Elections: Impact on Industrial and Climate Policies

The goal to elevate the production of higher value-added goods within Indonesia, while curbing the export of raw materials, will intricately influence company sourcing and production strategies, with effects differing across industries.

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